• REMOTE PV TRAINING 9/19 from 1-4 PM ET
To register, contact rickea.talley@ircoder.com


iRCODER® is a web-based application that has been in development for several years. The complex coding rules for the specialty of interventional radiology have been embedded into this product. With the use of parent company Medical Asset Management, Inc.,'s Color-Coded Illustrations by Vascular Order series to complement the visual effects of this application, iRCODER provides a one-stop solution for interventional coding.

The web-based technology was designed to provide each client with updated, compliant coding expertise in this field. Because of the robust intelligence built into this program, facilities can increase their proficiency in this specialty immediately. The web-based platform makes it available to everyone.

For hospitals

  • Tracks procedures by charge master description code or CPT codes
  • Designed for medical records professionals, radiologic technologists, and compliance departments
  • Reporting capability for tracking purposes

iRCODER can be used in hospital catheterization labs, interventional suites, ambulatory surgery centers, and more. Technologists can use the product without worrying about CPT coding because iRCODER is designed to report either the CPT code or the chargemaster code according to your needs.

For physicians

  • Provides a template for physician dictation
  • Tracks procedures by CPT codes
  • Produces a report that can be used immediately for coding

iRCODER codes the complete case in seven easy steps. This includes diagnostic catheterization, radiologic supervision and interpretation, and therapeutic intervention. It addresses abnormal anatomy, multiple access sites, and different body systems.